

do what you love and love what you do

Okay here is the mush I didn’t post yesterday. The following is a question from a new acquaintance followed by my response. I changed one detail from her email to avoid outing her. Besides which her question is one that I get fairly often from people so she shouldn’t take the hit for it: “I don’t know you that well,


I know its a day early…

but Happy Valentines Day… What? Were you expecting kittens in a basket? If you don’t already have plans for tomorrow I strongely suggest checking out this sure to be super sexy event: Paddles on Parade Fundraiser Auction and Play Party for the Center for Sex Positive Culture Saturday, February 14th, 2009 6-9p Auction, 9-3a Play Party Auction Only $15


Protect you right to shop kinky…locally!

I planned to do up a post today about the fabulous Fem Domme Tea I attended last Sunday, but alas, this bit of local political douchery has stolen my focus and burned up all my happy thoughts. This issue was brought to my attention on SLOG yesterday and I’m fairly disturbed that it hasn’t gotten more chatter since, so I


I *heart* ovaries

This has been quite the mammary laden weekend. No complaints but it is kinda funny just how girl centric my world has been since Friday. And the fun continues today! Friday was a much anticipated date with a total hottie and universal bad-ass in the kink/sex-positive community. I’ve been after some one-on-one time with this particular very popular bird for



Getting nice and sweaty from dancing around my apartment like a complete spazz for an hour may not be quite as rewarding as getting all sweaty from sex…but its still pretty damn fun. And like during sex, I totally revel in my bodies ability to do what I want it too… though I’m also just as likely to be a


Totally kick ass weekend run down.

Saturday was the Pan Sexual Play party at CSPC that had been rescheduled from last month do to snowpacolypse ’08. If you’ve been following my blog then you’ve already read about my doing a bit of mental spinning over what the hell to wear. My original ideas were cast aside once I got the reprieve of a few more weeks


Coffee Tea or…

Well since I’m about to go get ready for this evenings adventures at the Wetspot I figured I should probably sneak in a quick post about last weekends fun. For those of you who have been following my wanderings, last Sunday was the Fem Domme Tea at the CSPC. The short version…I had an absolutely wonderful time. The evening fully


plugs and previews

First up, Saturday at the Spot was much fun. Got a chance to chat with a few new friends as well as re-connect with old ones. Plans we’re hatched and I have since gone ahead and RSVP’d for the Fem Domme Tea which sounds even more fun then it had when I first read about it. Apparently the set up


Time to get out there and play!

First up, short notice, but I plan on attending this event this evening: I’ve never made it to one of the Saturday Pansexual Play parties but it should be fun. Admittedly, my main reasons for going are to catch some face time with a certain hottie I know(Hotsauce to be exact). Said lady was generous enough to point out

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If you are an adult who behaves like a spoiled and ignorant child when faced with sex positive information and images I really don’t know where to send you but this might be a good start: