

SAKE remembered

At long last. So where were we…Wednesday…two weeks ago…things have been busy. When we last left our intrepid heroine she had just finished a long-winded but lovely podcast with the infamous Valerie Strangiato. The fun continued the next night at the much anticipated SAKE event happening down in Pioneer Square. If you missed it, and based on the size of


Home again home again jiggedy jig.

Back from my cross the board fabulous trip to Portland. Wonderful time filled with some quality one-on-one face time with good friends and one amazing night of kinky goodness. Regarding the kinky goodness, I’m waiting to hear back from the main party involved to make sure that it is okay for me to post about it before I blast it


Looking for something fun to do on this chilly Thursday? Why not wander your butts down to Pioneer Square and support the many talented folks that have busted their own asses creating works of beauty for your enjoyment and potential ownership. You WILL want to bring your money as not only will there be some great work for sale but

The following site contains adult material so if you are a grown-up and like that sort of thing, Welcome!!!

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If you are a child or young person under the age of 21 then this site is not for you. Please wander off to another part of the interwebs like
If you are an adult who behaves like a spoiled and ignorant child when faced with sex positive information and images I really don’t know where to send you but this might be a good start: