deacon x


More Photos from Deacon X

Bella just emailed me these. It looks like I was playing hide and seek with the photographer but there’s still some nice compositions. I feel much love for Bella, and was very honored to get the chance to play with her like this, and I think it comes through. And my hair looks great. Enjoy. There might be more photos


Deacon X Fetish Night

It’s been quite awhile since I last made the trek south. Last time was in July for Voodoo Kiss, another fabulous fetish event hosted by my good friend, and personal hero, Ronabell. I’d heard from my Portland pals that Deacon X’s Fetish Night just seemed to keep getting bigger and better every single month. Notable changes were that the play


Goin South

Those of you who I’ve seen recently already know about this but I’m heading down to Portland this weekend. I have a number of truly wonderful friends there that are worth the drive to see. But there is an additional draw… Portland’s kink scene is AWESOME!!! In a recent conversation with one of my afore mentioned Portland peeps we were

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