March 2010


Oh…and by the way…

For those of you on Facebook, I’ve added a profile there. Testing out the format for now. Part of why I’ve been so absent here is that I have another account on Facebook that is more family friendly and have been spending more time there the last couple of months. But I’m not giving up my LJ and have been


Random Health Tip of the Day

Anyone who has played with me knows my absolute FAVORITE way to help prevent prostate cancer. Before or after said medical technique I may have mentioned one of the other doctor recommended items… EAT YOUR DAMN TOMATOES!!! “In a notable Harvard study of nearly 48,000 men, for example, those who ate more then two servings of tomato sauce a week

The following site contains adult material so if you are a grown-up and like that sort of thing, Welcome!!!

Clicking outside this window means that you are an adult and you're willing to see adult material.

If you are a child or young person under the age of 21 then this site is not for you. Please wander off to another part of the interwebs like
If you are an adult who behaves like a spoiled and ignorant child when faced with sex positive information and images I really don’t know where to send you but this might be a good start: